About the Client

Location Saudi Arabia

Industry Healthcare

Anchored on its elite staff of Saudi academicians and distinguished dental and cosmetics consultants, Nayel Clinics were launched in 2014. Due to the success and extended demand of the company’s dental services, the company expanded to many branches covering different areas of Riyadh.

As part of a quality measure to ensure standardized services throughout all branches, and to contribute to the improvement of quality level demanded in the profession, Nayel Laboratory was established in 2022.

There is a lack of smart online platforms to serve dental laboratory services. Thus, Nayel Laboratory vision was created to be the first and leading online dental laboratory that supports all electronic functionalities. The mission is simple, to make ordering, paying, and receiving a job an effortless experience. Thus, came proudly our slogan “a smart start”.

Due to the demanded user-friendly interface that served as a basis to launching such a project, Nayel laboratory identifies each of its users to tailor its service to his/her own needs. The platform has two main customers, professional practitioners, and dental residents. Residents have extended features that support their training process.

With that being said, Nayel continues to hold the same values applied to clinics and well to laboratories. Rewarding clients with improved quality, while respecting their time, and continuously exceeding expectations through adoption of new technological advances and continuous education.

Services we offered

  • Website cluster (4 websites) and integrating together
  • Detailed and Custom Order Workflow
  • Online Payment Facility

The Challenge

The client was looking for an online presence for their Nayel laboratories that have its jobs catalog scattered under different segments. Our prime concern was to better understand their needs, tie the different segments together yet distinguished identity and hence build a cluster of websites for the doctors, residents and patients.

Every portal (website) is having a more or less difference of workflow and user experience, especially related to prosthetic and orthodontic jobs that we understood and developed a solution accordingly, and finally gave them a base in terms of a landing website, which is coupling all 3 web portals – doctors, residents, and patients.

Technical Expertise

As the project belongs to a medical field, and hence it requires extensive attention and care while dealing, hence the prime concern for Perception System was to better understand the client’s requirement, the user interactions (i.e. doctors/residents and patients) and devise the website’s solutions accordingly.

As stated earlier, we need to plan out having exclusive websites for every type of users – doctors, residents and patients and also need to understand the workflow for the user interaction on these websites, especially the workflow concerning order placing till delivery end.

Basically, the dental field is having mainly two kinds of jobs – prosthetic and orthodontic, and they both are having a distinguished attribution and interaction points that our team understood, defined and executed to build these really complex modules in given websites. Basically, our client found us as a Perfect IT partner – a Perception System’s team, to achieve their goals and elevate their business process.

Project Scope

We had a couple of sessions with the client to understand the concept and the client’s exact needs. Our key priority was to understand the pain area of the client’s existing system and workflow which needs a higher attention and a devise-full analysis.

System Analysis

We allocated our top business analysts to analyze the client’s requirements. In the beginning, our team analyzed the concept hypothetically. Afterward, we have closely inspected the entire process and defined user stories.

Project Plan

Based on our findings, we created flow diagrams for the entire workflow and planned the project development process by defining technical implementations.

System Architecture

We defined the entire web system architecture with navigation, modules, and data interactions with the backend system.

Wireframe & Prototypes

After several meetings with the client-side team, our designers prepared wireframes and prototypes citing all possible workflow diagrams, navigation, and data flows.

UI & Database Design

We created user-friendly UI design for the web system. For this, we had a thorough study of the – user-focused UI and UX design research, establish design patterns for UI and UX design consistency, and consistent actions in application.

User Stories & Test Cases

We created user stories & test cases of each functionality of the system, so that the system can be precisely developed and tested well.

Developing Web Apps

We developed the entire system which accompanies 3 different portals and then coupling them in a single landing website. As per needs, all these 3 portals had a distinguished database and hence a separated management console (i.e. admin panel) to manage, organize and control the portals, user base and their respective orders.

Performing QA/QC

We performed end to end QA/Testing of the entire system with the test cases that we developed using all the standard QA methodologies & tools.

Deploying & Delivering the Final System to Client

We’ve been provided a pre-configured GoDaddy hosting environment where we did an initial level of business configurations and started deploying it via GIT pushing. As a best practice, we put the provision of the back-up server and staging environment to accommodate any requested updates on the staging environment before confirming it to go live.

Providing Support & Maintenance

We committed to long-term support and maintenance and are providing all the kind support that is required to maintain the system for the live users including fixing issues and developing new features.



The team at Perception System took the challenge and created 12 sprints and worked closely with the key IT personnel in the Nayel Lab team to effectively deliver a solution on time.

We built the distinguished Nayel Lab websites for the doctors, residents and patients, and tied them together under a one landing portal. Every portal is having a more or less difference of workflow and user experience, especially related to prosthetic and orthodontic jobs. In the span of 12 weeks, we delivered the solution with all requirements using the latest and stable technology stack/frameworks at that time.

Agile Scrum

We followed the Agile Scrum methodology to develop the software. We listed features as tasks backlogs and started working in an iterative & incremental delivery model.

Development Methodology

We adopted a test driven design and development approach to result in a high-quality web system as a final product.


We built using the combination of WordPress CMS (PHP), HTML5/JS/CSS3, My SQL DBMS & GoDaddy Managed Server Architecture.

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)

We adopted BDD approaches to bring collaboration between client-side teams across the various branches and development teams along with seamless communications.


We broke down the entire development process using WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) methodologies to address almost all requirements of client-organization.

We Used

We used the cutting-edge Development Technologies to deliver interactive and dynamic web app experiences.

  • PHP


  • WordPress


  • HTML5


  • CSS3


  • JavaScript


  • Bootstrap


  • My SQL

    My SQL


Milestones & Deliverables

Planned out delivery in distinguished website development, considering doctors portal first, followed by resident portal, followed by patient portal and finally a landing website incorporating all these portals together.


Effectively finished every portal, tested it well before going live and finally deployed them to have a real action.


A new solution has sufficed the Nayel Lab’s long-term expectation of expanding their business and letting it to have an online presence with full functioning to attend the orders and dispatchment.

Value Delivered


“Working with Perception Systems was a professional bliss, great work under budget and reasonable execution timeframes, my current go-to for python-web development solutions!”

Luis R. Soenksen,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Striking Features



Clinical Workflows



Products and service catalog

Group 26

Detailed order workflows.

Group 15 Copy 2

Online order placing and tracking.

projects copy

Reports and exporting



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